Hi-level break light

Paul carter

New Member
Hi all has anybody got a hi level break light for my eldis firestorm for sale? Think it might be just the lense mines gone all site and faded.. Cheers

We are Elddis dealers so we may be able to help you.

If you phone our Service dept at Catterick Caravans on 01748 818391
Ext 3082 - Amanda Rarity or
Ext3085 - Rebecca Brough

Hope we can be of some help.
Hi. I'm sorry that you have had problems when trying to contact us for your spares.

Please can you give me some feedback about your phone calls. I would like to know if this is a new phone system problem or people error. Did you speak to Rebecca or Amanda and were told that someone would call you back? Did you leave a message? Please could you send details to webcare@catterickcaravans.com so that I can follow this up.

Apologies again.

Thank you.
