Sprite 400 -1961


New Member
Some photo’s of my late dad’s Sprite 400, photo taken in the mid 70’s. Tow car Hillman Minx.



Equipment, very basic:
Sink with one tap and cold water, operated by a foot pump.
Two burner gas hob and grill.
Two gas lights.
That’s it. The gas bottle locker may have been added on later, not standard fit.
He often said, he could have done with a fridge, to stop the milk freezing in winter!! (think about it)

My Alpine 4 2006:

Sink in kitchen and bedroom with hot and cold water, water heater under fixed bed.
Toilet and shower.
Three gas hobs, one 230v hob, grill and a good size oven.
Blown air heating system with vents in middle & front of van and toilet.
Lighting, plenty with spots on 12v and 230v lights.
230v, 12v and TV aerial sockets + aerial on roof.

Large Heki roof light, gives plenty of natural light.

How times have changed, caravan weights have increased as well as the design, construction and even the 2012 models have a new shape now.

Hi Chris

Great to see these pix again - and your right newer models weight has increased though they are now fighting this - but Sprites still lead in value and quality - got a good tow car too - Octavia is great car - had three but now have a Superb SE plus - new Octavia coming soon - mondeo size looks good so far

